Contacts: Don Frayes,
Hazel Crampton-Hayes,


New York’s Socialist Green New Deal Must Be Slowed

ALBANY, NY - Last month, socialists forced through a mandate to build “publicly owned, 100% renewable energy” in the New York state budget: the Build Public Renewables Act. Designed to enrich unions, close down vintage gas plants in “marginalized” communities, and cut the utility bills that companies like National Grid and Central Hudson need to raise to make their profit margins.

With far left fake news outlets like The Nation calling it “the biggest Green New Deal win in US history,” it’s clear the socialist left is seizing New York’s energy system. But as a Republican, Governor Hochul remains committed to doing whatever it takes to slow them down and protect the fossil fuel lobby community.

This starts by appointing Justin Driscoll as the President and CEO of the New York Power Authority (NYPA). Driscoll has an exemplary record of maintaining the status quo through climate inaction and ensuring corporate control over our energy systems. As a board member to several mainstream energy policy groups, he has no record of participation in the urgent work of greenhouse gas emissions reduction or climate and environmental justice. He served on NY’s Climate Action Council and didn’t say a word while his peers actively fought against disinformation from fossil fuel lobbyists. As interim NYPA CEO, he has given energy discounts to Amazon, supported the greenwashing of New York’s prisons, and testified against the Build Public Renewables Act, snubbing his own agency in support of public-private partnerships. Driscoll is also a proud donor to the Republican cause, with his Republican donations far outstripping his Democratic contributions.

Said Republican Campaign Manager Don Frayes:

“The growing resistance against Driscoll’s appointment is alarming. Reporters are already saying this is the next LaSalle. This is something the New York Kathy Hochul represents—corporations—cannot afford. The Governor calls on Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and the Senate to confirm Justin Driscoll as NYPA President and CEO without delay, so that he may delay the implementation of the Build Public Renewables Act and NYPA’s work in transitioning to renewables.”



Kathy Hochul’s political roots are in the Conservative Party that helped start her political career. As Erie County Clerk, Kathy stood up to Democrats trying to help undocumented immigrants and threatened to arrest them instead. And the Aurora Theater and Sandy Hook shootings didn’t stop Kathy from proudly displaying her “A” Rating and endorsement from the NRA the same year.

When appointed as Governor, Kathy got to work for the business community, moving over a billion dollars out of public schools and into a fossil fuel billionaire’s second football stadium. After beating out Republican Lee Zeldin in her first real election, she made his top priority her own: filibustering the entire state budget to get rid of unnecessary civil rights protections keeping poor Black and brown people out of jail before trial.

Whether it’s nominating the pro-life, anti-union judge Hector LaSalle to lead New York’s highest court, shifting taxpayer dollars out of public schools and into profitable private charters, or fighting for a landlord’s Right To Evict, Kathy Hochul’s actions speak for themselves.

Now, she’s standing up to Democrats in Albany and in Congress to protect record corporate profits, and win a New York for Oil.

Note to editor: learn more at