Contacts: Don Frayes,
Hazel Crampton-Hayes,

A Budget As Republican As Her Record

From bail reform rollback to charter school expansion, Governor delivers on Republican campaign promises.

ALBANY, NY - After nearly a month of wearing down Democratic opposition, Kathy Hochul is close to finalizing a budget that would tilt New York to the right.

At a surprise press conference held last night, the Governor announced that she had reached a “conceptual agreement” with legislative leaders. The agreement - reflective of Republican campaign promises - would aid judges in imprisoning undesirables faster, open fourteen charter schools paid for by the public purse, and limit a minimum wage increase to just $17, instead of the $21.25 desired by the Left. 

However, despite thwarting socialist-led proposals like “Good Cause” Eviction Protections and taxing the rich, the Democratic Socialists of America remain a thorn in the Governor’s side with key priorities like a free bus pilot program and so-called “national model” climate action, the Build Public Renewables Act.

Said Republican Campaign Manager Don Frayes:

“In a time where Democratic governors are investing billions in climate action and raising public school teachers’ salaries, Kathy Hochul has shown voters exactly on which side of the aisle she stands.

Budgets are moral documents, and this budget reflects Kathy’s values in every way. Specifically, the value she brings to donors like richest-man-in-NY Michael Bloomberg, James Dolan, Stephen Ross, John Hess, as well as key partners like Con Edison, the Independent Power Producers of New York (IPPNY), and the Alliance for Clean Energy New York (ACE-NY). 

The budget is still yet to be finalized, and you can be sure that the Governor will be doing everything in her power to weaken proposals like the so-called “Build Public Renewables Act” championed by the Democratic Socialists of America, right to the bitter end.”



Kathy Hochul’s political roots are in the Conservative Party that helped start her political career. As Erie County Clerk, Kathy stood up to Democrats trying to help undocumented immigrants and threatened to arrest them instead. And the Aurora Theater and Sandy Hook shootings didn’t stop Kathy from proudly displaying her “A” Rating and endorsement from the NRA the same year.

When appointed as Governor, Kathy got to work for the business community, moving over a billion dollars out of public schools and into a fossil fuel billionaire’s second football stadium. After beating out Republican Lee Zeldin in her first real election, she made his top priority her own: filibustering the entire state budget to get rid of unnecessary civil rights protections keeping poor Black and brown people out of jail before trial.

Whether it’s nominating the pro-life, anti-union judge Hector LaSalle to lead New York’s highest court, shifting taxpayer dollars out of public schools and into profitable private charters, or fighting for a landlord’s Right To Evict, Kathy Hochul’s actions speak for themselves.

Now, she’s standing up to Democrats in Albany and in Congress to protect record corporate profits, and win a New York for Oil.

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